Here you will find a 16777 schools in all regions of Ukraine, contact information and feedback received about them.
Here you can find all of 1313 higher educational institutions of Ukraine: university, academy, institute, college or technical school, ordered by location.
Are you looking for training courses to improve your skills or want to master a new promising specialty? We offer a list of 911 courses.
Not sure what subjects your child will be studying in the next grade? Here you can find their approximate list for all of learning years with textbooks.
Here is the complete list of 29 fields of knowledge and 121 schools that teach in Ukraine, and universities that provide training with learning programs.
The calculator will be useful when choosing a university for guaranteed admission, taking into account your grades obtained by external evaluation.
Here you can find some regulations in the field of education in Ukraine: laws, decrees, orders, directives, etc.